Monday, July 7, 2008

cartoons are forever

few days back i got to know that Cartoon Network is showing old cartoons in the special section boomerang after 10 PM(2200hrs). it was a treat laid down after a hectic day. nothing is more refreshing that to refresh actually relive those past days. cant do it fully due to requirement of time but atleast through these cartoons i can remember those old days.

i was a die hard fan of flintsones, jetsons and johny bravo. its heartening to see that all these are again being telecasted. Though these shows are too old and no debate over the clarity in current 3D's, but i think the crude print , if I may say so, has a charm. we know that perhaps we may not be able to go back to those days. The new tom and jerry cartoons though better produced and better written is not able to re-create the same magic that kept million of people glued to their tv set

the charm about these cartoons are the fact that they are so distant from reality. We know we are never going to use a firefly as a torch(flintstones) nor will planes become a personal transport(jetsons). perhaps it is the omnipresent factor of being so distant actually different which appeals all of us. these new cartoons are so real. hello...who need k serial saga in cartoons.

i hope people at cartoon network continue to keep old shows running and the future animators try to understand that it wasnt technology that limited chuck jones to make a cat and mouse chase into such a everloved and immortal story. it was actually creative genius..

and for the record shin chan is the only japanese cartoon that i love......

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